A Weekend Working on the Vegetable Garden

What a weekend!  You don't get weather like we had very often.  The thermometer hit the 70's for the first time in a long while and we took advantage of it.  We spent very little time indoors, how could we?  After being cooped up in the house since fall any outside opportunity had to be taken.

So what did we do? We worked in the garden.  Or maybe on the garden would be more accurate.

I dug, the girls dug, the girls played in the sand, ...

I dug, I rearranged the garden beds, the girls played in the sand, ...

I dug and drilled, the youngest girl ate the sand. Hopefully not much more than a bite!

We made a good deal of headway on the garden redesign that I posted about a couple weeks ago. Most of the beds are rebuilt and rearranged.  I made an error in my calculations and ended up not being able to complete the 4'x6' bed.  I used the pieces of wood that were intended for it on another bed.  To tally up the raised beds now we have: two 4'x8', one 4'x6', three 3'x4', and one 2'x4'. I still need to assemble one 4'x6', one 3'x4', and three 2'x4' beds. My battery operated drill ran out of power before I could complete a 2'x4' bed. I just need a couple more boards to complete the raised bed garden. What a great weekend!

Can you tell we like gardening?

Photos by Jenny

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