As real gardening time approaches and we stop planning and dreaming to actually begin planting we have to know what we are going to do with our gardens. The big thing on my mind lately has been the vegetable garden. I miss the tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers that came out of our garden fresh everyday. I want to grow more vegetables in the garden than I did last year which means a little more planning. Questions like "what varieties should I choose?" and "how much should I plant?" come to mind very easily. So today I put together a list of all the types of vegetables I would like to grow this year. For some of them I already have the seeds I need to plant but for others I am still in the selection process. Here's where I would like some input. What are your favorite varieties of the vegetables below? What was successful? What tasted the best? Your input might steer me toward a variety I may not have considered before or it might just make me hungry, but I'm willing to take that chance!